

DELTA NATURE RESORT is located on Lake Somova, 17 km from Tulcea in eastern Romania. Reachable by a scenic 3.5-hour drive from Bucharest, a one-hour helicopter ride, or domestic flights. The resort offers luxury car transfers from Bucharest. Tulcea also has a railway station for easy access.

UNESCO / UNEP profile

Key features of the Danube Delta

UNESCO World Heritage Site, covering 5165 square kilometres of the Danube Delta and the adjoining Razelm-Sinoe lagoons.
Major remaining wetland on the flyway between east-central Europe and the Middle East; critical and exceptionally varied habitat for migratory birds
312 recorded species of bird (of which 184 are protected by the Bern Convention). Over 176 species breed on the site, the most important being the cormorants and the pelicans. There are numerous heron colonies and raptor species, geese, teal, mallard, and pochard
Over 75 recorded species of Fish, including 45 freshwater species. This includes several species of Caviar producing sturgeon
Recorded over 900 vertebrates and 2,500 invertebrate animals
Largest and best preserved of Europe’s deltas, featuring lakes interconnected by narrow channels and lagoons
The most extensive wetland in Europe
The largest reed beds in the world, the largest natural water purification system in Europe, constantly refreshed and fertilized by floodwaters, filtering silt, nutrients, and pollutants before they reach the river in the Black Sea.

Delta Nature Resort

Delta Nature Resort, 827212, Romania